Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

If any of you are looking for a little inspiration, check out Dr. Wayne W. Dyers "The Power of Intention." I was flipping through the stations the other night & came across this on KBYU. I normally don't watch a lot of public broadcasting but I was so glad I turned it on & DVR'd it. I missed the whole first half but what I did catch was awesome! He was talking about love & loving yourself & he said this "True nobility, is not about being better than anyone else, its about being better than you used to be." I loved that because isn't that ultimately what we are all striving to become? Not better than anyone else but better than we used to be? He gave a quote by Michealangelo about beauty "Every beauty which is seen here below by persons of perception resembles more than anything else, that Celestial source from which we all come." I know I haven't felt very "beautiful" lately but I am striving to be more like the source from which I came. If you haven't read this or seen it, it is awesome! I am definitely getting me a copy so that I can reference it often. I also recorded another presentation by him called "Inspiration". I haven't gotten through that one yet but plan to when I get a few extra minutes to myself.


Anonymous said...

I love Wayne Dyer! The Power of Intention, as well as many of his other works are incredible!

Lindsay Ruiz said...

I love the quote about nobility. I think that's one I will keep around to keep me grounded and centered. Thanks for your inspirational posts.

Natalie Murray said...

Thanks for your comments! I really appreciate them! I also love that quote it's very inspiring & uplifting!

Jodi Marie Robinson said...

I have sure enjoyed reading your blog. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! We are strangers but soul sisters. You like the same quotes I do! If I may, I'd like to put a plug in for my NEW book that you may be interested in, based on what you write about. I am the author of "Women of Virtue" and the tag line is "True beauty is felt more than it is seen." It's a new publication by Cedar Fort, Inc., and it focuses on seeing ourselves as God sees us. I believe we set the footprints in the sand that others will follow and if we're looking to an "outside" source to give us a source of validation about our beauty, we will lose sight of that "celestial source" that gives us light and truth. I hope you'll check out my book. I'd love your feedback. It's not in stores, yet, but you can get it on Type in "women of virtue, jodi marie robinson." It should be at Seagull Book and Tape end of May. Otherwise check out my blog: "" for more info. Sincerely--Jodi Robinson, mother of 4, in Riverton, Utah P.S. It was fun "accidentally" finding your blog. You uplifted me today. Thanks.