Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Does anybody read this blog?

I am reevalutating a few things and since I rarely see any comments just want to find out how many this site actually affects. Just as a reminder: comments are very helpful, even if just to say you enjoyed the post. But I am always up for suggestions of things you would like to see more of. If you would be so helpful to leave comments so I know what I need to change & update, that would be so appreciative!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Britains Got Talent Contestant Shows True Beauty

WOW!!! Can I just say this moved me to tears!!! If you have not seen this you have got to check it out! This is the best thing I have seen all week & it just goes to show that you really cannot judge a book by its cover!!! She is truly beautiful in every way!

Today's Quote

Ok so I haven't posted a quote everyday so let's see if I can get at least one in per week. Here is todays quote:

"True nobility isn't about being better than anyone else, It's about being better than you used to be." Wayne Dyer

I think that is so true. We spend so much time comparing and competiting with others that we forget that it is all about being better than we used to be. There will always be someone out there better than us in some way or another but we need to be satisfied with who we are at that moment & that we are better than we used to be.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Quote of the Day

I'm going to try to post a favorite quote of mine every day. Here is today's quote:

"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." Dr. Suess

I love this quote because I am always worried about what other people think & it helps to bring me back down to where I need to be. ME! Because in the end what others think of me really doesn't matter. What I think of myself & the choices that I have made, that's what matters

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Save the Date!

Save the Date!
National Women's Health Week empowers women to make their health a top priority. With the theme "It's Your Time," the nationwide initiative encourages women to take simple steps for a longer, healthier, and happier life.
Monday May 11, 2009 — the day after Mother's Day — is National Women's Checkup Day, the highlight of National Women's Health Week.
It's Your Time! Please join me and the hundreds of women across America who are taking the National Women's Checkup Day Pledge. We are pledging to focus on our own health by taking the time to schedule at least one of the recommended preventive health screenings within the next 90 days.
Please join me on May 9, 2009 at 9:30 in the morning for the Legacy Walk for Beauty. This event will kick off The WOMAN Challenge: Women and girls Out Moving Across the Nation. It will start at the Front Runner Station in Farmington & will continue along the entire path or as far as you choose to go! More information to come!

For information on The WOMAN Challenge visit

To learn more about National Women's Health Week, visit

Hope to see you there!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A Century of Outrageous Beauty Ads

Here is another link to beauty ads over a century. It's actually kind of funny. The last ad is the best though. I fully support Dove & their campaign for real beauty.

Are we turning our Tweens into Generation Divas?

Yet again, I cannot figure out how to post the entire article so you get the link. This was just out today in newsweek & it shows why spreading the message about healthy & positive body image is so important & that its not about what you do to your outward appearance but more how you feel about who you are on the inside!